Body on SR-94 Causes Multiple Vehicle Crashes in San Diego

SAN DIEGO, CA (May 28, 2024) — A body found in the westbound lanes of state Route 94 near downtown San Diego caused multiple vehicle crashes on Monday night.
The body was spotted around 9 p.m. near the on-ramp to Interstate 5. Witnesses reported seeing the body covered by a blanket. Several vehicles swerved to avoid it, resulting in crashes.
One car ended up in the center divider, facing the wrong direction. Authorities shut down a stretch of the freeway to clear the SR-94 crash scene and recover the body. There is no further information about the deceased person as of this writing.
In addition to physical injuries, car accidents can also result in emotional trauma and financial burden. It is important to seek proper medical attention and consult with a lawyer to ensure your rights are protected. RTM Law Firm offers a free consultation for car accident victims, so don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance. Let us fight for you.