Henderson Parents Arrested for Locking Autistic Son in Makeshift Cell

(April 26, 2024) — Henderson police arrested a couple for allegedly confining their autistic 11-year-old son in a feces-covered makeshift cell. The incident came to light when Clark County School District officers visited the family’s home on Silverton Drive to inquire about the child’s prolonged school absence.
Upon entry, after persistent knocking, officers encountered deplorable conditions and found the child locked in a metal enclosure resembling a jail cell within the living room, clad only in a diaper.
The structure had reportedly been used for six years to manage the boy’s “behavioral issues,” according to the parents, Misty Scanlan, 46, and Jeffrey Scanlan, 41. The couple admitted to ceasing its cleaning due to their busy schedules.
Neighbors expressed shock and dismay over the conditions, highlighting the quiet facade of the seemingly normal suburban home.
The couple, who also confined their daughter with autism to her room, have been charged with child abuse and neglect. They were released on bail pending a court appearance on May 14. The affected children have since been placed with other family members, with the son receiving medical attention.
The Henderson autistic child abuse case underscores the critical need for proper support and resources for families with neurodiverse members. If you or someone you know is struggling with similar challenges, RTM Law Firm can provide legal guidance and help advocate for the rights and well-being of personal injury victims with autism in California. Contact us to learn more about how we can assist in ensuring compassionate and competent care. Consultation is free.
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