Teen Rescued, Grandmother Perishes in Pacoima Garage Fire

PACOIMA, CA (March 29, 2024) — Firefighters in Pacoima, Los Angeles, battled a blaze that erupted in a converted garage on Wednesday night, rescuing a 15-year-old girl but discovering her grandmother deceased in the aftermath.
The Los Angeles Fire Department was called to the scene on the 13500 block of West Gager Street shortly before 10:30 p.m., finding the structure fiercely ablaze.
Despite the absence of working smoke detectors, fire crews managed to contain the fire within 20 minutes, preventing it from spreading to adjacent buildings. A fortuitously nearby ambulance crew swiftly initiated rescue efforts, saving the teenager with special needs who suffered critical burn injuries. She was immediately taken to the hospital in grave condition.
The community has rallied around the affected family, with neighbors expressing shock and a strong desire to assist in any way possible. The investigation into the cause of the Pacoima garage fire is ongoing, leaving a neighborhood mourning the tragic loss and grappling with the reality of the event.
For those affected by fire-related incidents, seeking guidance from an experienced personal injury lawyer can be a crucial step towards recovery and justice. If the fire is found to be caused by someone’s negligence,then the affected individual may be entitled to compensation for their injuries and losses (even possibly wrongful death).
RTM Law Firm offers compassionate representation for victims and their families during such difficult times. Contact us for support and advocacy in the wake of tragedy.
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