Woman Trapped in Chimney on Chevy Chase Way in East Bakersfield

KERN COUNTY, CA (April 20, 2024) — The Kern County Fire Department (KCFD) Urban Search and Rescue Team successfully rescued a woman trapped in a chimney on Thursday. The operation took place in the 1800 block of Chevy Chase Way.
Firefighters were called to the scene early in the day and found the woman lodged above the flume of the chimney. Despite initial attempts to extract her with ropes, she was tightly trapped, prompting an intense rescue effort involving specialized tools to break through the brick structure.
The rescue team worked for over an hour before successfully freeing the woman, who was immediately taken to a nearby hospital for evaluation. Efforts to provide oxygen during the rescue were made but proved unsuccessful.
This unusual case of a woman trapped in the chimney underscores the importance of safety and caution in all circumstances and highlights the skilled response capabilities of the KCFD Urban Search and Rescue Team.
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