Zantac Cancer Lawsuit: GSK Settles Two California Lawsuits

CALIFORNIA (September 18, 2024) — British pharmaceutical giant GSK announced Wednesday that it has settled two lawsuits in California alleging its now-discontinued heartburn medication Zantac caused cancer. The company stated it does not admit any liability as part of the settlements.
GSK has been navigating a series of legal challenges with numerous Zantac-related lawsuits over the past year, including several cases in California — a state known for its plaintiff-friendly court system. Alongside GSK, other former Zantac manufacturers like Pfizer, Sanofi, and Boehringer Ingelheim face approximately 4,000 claims in California’s state courts and about 2,000 more across various other state jurisdictions.
The majority of the lawsuits are concentrated in Delaware, where GSK is contending with over 70,000 cases. A significant development occurred in June when a Delaware judge decided to allow these Zantac cancer lawsuits to proceed, a decision that GSK has since appealed.
For individuals affected by Zantac or other potentially defective drugs, legal recourse is available. RTM Law Firm specializes in representing victims of defective drug cases, providing expert legal advice and support to ensure that your rights are protected. If you believe you have been harmed by Zantac or another medication, contact our defective drugs lawyers in California to discuss your legal options. No fees until we win.
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