San Francisco Man Narrowly Escapes Deadly Pitbull Attack

SAN FRANCISCO, CA (June 11, 2024) — Pablo Rocha, a San Francisco resident, narrowly escaped a deadly encounter with two pit bulls thanks to his quick reflexes and a nearby fence.
The pit bull attack occurred shortly after 6 p.m. on May 25, as Rocha was returning home from the gym. Surveillance footage captured the harrowing moments as the dogs attacked him near Alameda and Vermont streets.
In a desperate bid for safety, Rocha reportedly climbed a fence while the dogs relentlessly circled below. The attack left him severely injured, requiring surgery and 30 stitches to his upper arm at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital. “I just remember the noise of my bicep muscle being stretched,” Rocha told local news agencies. “In that moment, I thought I would die.”
Rocha’s ordeal was compounded by the lack of immediate help from passersby, with many mistaking him for a burglary suspect. His friend Eduardo Pajeu attempted to fend off the dogs with a water bottle and sought help. Despite over 20 cars stopping, no one assisted until the police arrived, alerted by Pajeu.
The dogs’ owners, Hilary Flynn and Jesse Ali, were arrested following the incident. Flynn faces charges including failure to control a dangerous dog and resisting arrest, among others. Ali was charged with resisting arrest and aiding in a felony after the fact.
The local community, including Rocha’s husband, Robert Fountain, has expressed frustration over ongoing safety issues in the neighborhood. Fountain highlighted the challenges they face daily and the emotional toll of the attack. “Had Pablo not been 6’6″ and 220 pounds and healthy, I’d be planning a funeral today,” he said.
As the preliminary hearing approaches on June 12, Rocha hopes his experience will prompt action from city officials to address the broader safety concerns. The fate of the dogs is currently under consideration by Animal Care and Control.
If you or someone you know has been a victim of a dog attack that led to serious injuries and losses in California, you must seek legal assistance. Contact the experienced dog bite injury attorneys at RTM Law Firm for a free consultation.