Stockton Woman Critically Injured in Tracy Car Crash

NORTH TRACY, CA (April 30, 2024) — A severe car crash in Tracy has left a 30-year-old woman from Stockton critically injured. The incident occurred on Monday morning and involved two vehicles. Tracy Police were called to the scene at North Tracy Boulevard near West Kavanagh Avenue around 7:46 a.m.
Upon arrival, officers discovered one of the drivers, a woman, trapped inside her vehicle. Firefighters were quickly mobilized to the scene, where they successfully extracted her from the wreckage. She was immediately transported to a hospital and is reported to be in critical but stable condition.
The cause of the Tracy car crash is still under investigation, and authorities have not yet determined what led to this unfortunate event.
If you or someone you know has been involved in a similar incident, it is crucial to seek legal assistance. Contact RTM Law Firm for expert advice from our knowledgeable personal injury attorneys in California. We are dedicated to helping victims receive the justice and compensation they deserve.
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