Summer Injuries: Why Personal Injury Cases Spike In Summertime

Summer Injuries: Why Personal Injury Cases Are Expected to Spike in California This Season

summer injuries

With summer on the horizon, many of us look forward to soaking up the sun. However, hotter temperatures and more time spent outdoors also mean an increased chance of sustaining an injury.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics found that more personal injury accidents are reported in the summer months than at any other time of the year. Intense weather conditions and heightened distractions can prove dangerous for the roads, workplace, parks, pools, and other public spaces. Accidents can happen, and when they do, it’s important to understand your rights this summer.

In this article, we’re walking our readers through (1) common cases related to summer injuries, (2) what cases to report, and (3) if you or a loved one is injured, what you should do.

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Common Summer Injuries and Accidents in California

Common Summer Injuries and Accidents in California

When it comes to the summer months, personal injury cases can arise from a wide variety of causes. Heat illnesses such as dehydration and heat exhaustion are common risks for outdoor workers in California, while motor vehicle accidents may be more likely due to distracted drivers on vacation. In addition, slip-and-fall injuries can occur in public spaces or places of work without proper safety measures in place.

Let’s take a public pool facility for example; say someone trips and falls on the slippery pool deck and injures themselves while playing around the pool. A sprain, ankle fracture, severe scrape to the arm, concussion, or spinal/head injuries are all compelling causes for compensation. Did the lifeguard properly clean the pool deck? Were there any misplaced obstacles or hazards that a reasonable person could have tripped on? Did the pool facility follow all the local and state protocols?

Other types of summer injuries in California could include defective amusement park rides, falls from playground equipment and other playground injuries, sports injuries, and fires caused by fireworks or careless beach barbecues. Property owners have an obligation to ensure their premises are safe for visitors and guests as well. Failure to do so could result in negligence should an accident occur.

Boat accidents can also be a hazard in the summer months. Unsafe boating conditions, including overcrowding, intoxication or illegal speed, are all factors that could lead to an accident on the water. Furthermore, passengers with existing physical conditions must be aware of potential risks and should take extra caution when engaging in activities like boating or swimming.

Let’s take a look at which common summertime injuries are worth discussing with an attorney.

  • Accidents in the workplace caused by (a) heat stroke, (b) long summer work hours, (c) insufficient air conditioning, (d) extreme sun exposure, or (e) employer negligence
  • Boating accidents caused by reckless drivers which result in personal injury or property damage
  • Car accidents resulting from distracted TikTokers and Instagram influences
  • Slip and fall accidents at public parks, public pools, amusement parks, and restaurants
  • Bicycle accidents, including faulty sidewalk and vehicle crashes
  • Motorcycle accidents and crashes
  • Bitten by a dog (dog bite) when you’re out for a walk in the park
  • Severe injuries resulting from defective products
  • Swimming pool injuries, such as drowning and electric shock

With the right guidance, you may be able to receive compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, or other losses, even death.

What Should I Report in Case of a Personal Injury?

In case of a personal injury, seek medical attention immediately. Prompt emergency room treatment can help reduce the likelihood of possible long-term effects and provide evidence that you were injured in an accident.

You should also document the incident by taking photos of any visible injuries or damage caused by the accident. If there are witnesses present at the scene, obtain their contact information as they may be able to provide testimony regarding the circumstances that led to your injury.

Finally, you should report the incident to both local law enforcement and the property owner/manager so that they can investigate further.

By following these steps, you will be better prepared to pursue potential legal action involving injury claims.

Consulting with experienced personal injury lawyers who specialize in such cases can help you understand your rights and determine the best course of action. With a strong case, you may be awarded compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and any other losses associated with the incident.

A California Accident Attorney Can Help You Get Compensation For Summertime Injuries

If you have been injured in a summertime incident, it is important to seek legal advice and determine the best course of action for your claim. An experienced California accident attorney like RTM Law can help you recover damages and protect your rights.

Our team of attorneys are well-versed in injury claims resulting from a range of summer activities. We understand the complexities involved in these types of cases and can provide legal advice to ensure you get the medical care you need and money you deserve.

Enjoying outdoor activities in the summer should not result in pain and disappointment, more so if it is caused by carelessness. Serious injuries stemming from negligence should be reported, and the people responsible must be made accountable.

Insurance providers will not be on the side of accident victims, so it is in the hands of a skilled accident lawyer to ensure that those who are at-fault are brought to justice and insurance pays victims the maximum possible compensation amount.

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No fees unless we win. Available 24/7.

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  • Bristol Memory Coalition
  • Bristol-Warner
  • Cabrillo Park
  • Casa Bonita
  • Casa De Santiago
  • Cornerstone Village
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  • Edna Park
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  • Fairview Village
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RTM Law, APC | Personal Injury Attorney

1327 N Broadway, Santa Ana,
CA 92706
(949) 287-4342

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